Son’s Gathering : Son’s Producing Fathers

SON’S Event : Son’s Producing Fathers 

Gathering Sons Producing Fathers

In his 1978 Commencement Address to the graduates of Harvard University, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spoke of A World Split Apart and the ultimate demise of a culture. While his focus was on the Western world, his assessment applies to any culture. He states, “A decline in courage may be the most striking feature that an outside observer notices in the West today.” He later asks, “Must one point out that from ancient times a decline in courage has been considered the first symptom of the end?”

I believe these statements made in 1978 were prophetic in nature and we see them coming to pass in our day right before our eyes. I also believe that the answer lies in this truth, “Christlikeness and Manhood are synonymous.” The decline in courage, also could be termed a lack of manhood, is ironically emphasized by occasional outbursts of anger and inflexibility on the part of men when dealing with weak individuals that lack support, or clearly cannot offer resistance. But they get tongue-tied and paralyzed when they deal with powerful or threatening forces, with aggressors who will not relent, and bow in servile obedience.

This lack of courage is the result of Fatherlessness which is the ultimate end of the loss of Christlikeness as the goal. Every issue in our culture today can be traced to a lack of fathers. We live on an orphaned planet populated by orphans fighting for their survival on their own. Thinking they are courageous and celebrated for any accomplishment of orphan cultural success they merely hide behind this false protector and continue looking for the answer to their lack.

The only government that will last is the Kingdom of God and the government of God is Family led by the Father. God’s pattern is Fatherhood and his purpose is to bring His government to this earth. Gathering Sons Producing Fathers is about working to restore adopted Sons and produce Fathers to shift the cultural demise not only in the western world but the whole planet.

We will gather Thursday – Saturday, June 2-4 at Tesoro Escondido Ranch. Bring your seeking hearts, expectancy for God to do good things. As well as your guns and ammo. WE ARE GOING TO HAVE FUN.


To pay your trip out, please email me at to set up your payments.